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Share my unicode finder bot
llm -
KL divergence between two full-rank Gaussians in PyTorch
|math/probability dev/pytorch -
vim/nvim 中文分词插件 jieba.vim
editor/vim -
Conditioning of the variational posterior in CVAE (Sohn, 2015)
|math/probability machine learning/bayesian -
Effect of gamma in BN-VAE
machine learning/bayesian -
Lower bound of KL divergence between any density and Gaussian
math/probability -
Compute accuracy from F1 score
machine learning -
Leverage Ollama in iTerm2 AI integration
os/macOS -
Learn Bayesian Logistic regression from imbalanced data
machine learning/bayesian -
A simple numerical method to compute matrix inversion
math/linear algebra -
Piecewise quadratic approximation of sigmoid(z) (1-sigmoid(z))
math/approximation -
Host Python packages with Jekyll on GitHub Pages
dev/python -
使用 matplotlib 制作用于 macOS 的渐变色桌面
|misc dev/python -
An attempt to build fully differentiable alternative of (non-negative) matching pursuit algorithm for solving L0-sparsity dictionary learning
machine learning/dictionary learning -
Assert variable types in numba
dev/python -
Estimate the head probability of a coin
math/probability -
Maximum a posteriori estimation of the covariance in Gaussian Mixture models
math/probability -
Dimensionality reduction by SVD
math/linear algebra -
Estimate the expectation of the function of a random variable
math/probability -
Verify permutation equivalence of Multi-Head Attention in PyTorch
|dev/pytorch machine learning -
Make use of openmp via cython on macOS
dev/cython -
The dual of the dual of a QP is itself
math/linear algebra -
How to compute the intercept of C-SVM in primal and dual formulations
machine learning/svm -
在 WLAN 下从另一台计算机连接到 WSL2 中的 Jupyter Notebook
dev/network -
从另一台计算机 SSH 连接到 WSL2 服务器
dev/network -
misc -
必胜客餐厅隐藏福利 -- 苏打水
misc -
Learn Applescript for Beginners
dev/applescript -
Variational Autoencoder training trick
machine learning -
Notes on building Cython using
|dev/python dev/cython -
Set up GitHub Pages on macOS
misc -
Read HDF5 file from C++
dev/c++ -
|dev/c++ dev/cython -
|dev/python dev/c++ -
|os/ios os/macOS -
python cannot import name 'sysconfig' from 'distutils'
|dev/python os/ubuntu -
Python Tox 使用笔记
dev/python -
dev/python -
dev/python -
像BSD ls 一样中英文混排字符串(Python3)
dev/python -
PyTorch crop images differentially
|dev/pytorch math/linear algebra -
MATLAB R2011b 神经网络工具箱注意事项
dev/matlab -
math/probability -
Apache Ant 扩展教程
dev/java -
使用Java API通过DTD方式验证XML
dev/java -
algorithm -
用TCL(工具命令语言)管理Tornado (for VxWorks) 可启动工程
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