I have a collection of Python packages, either hosted locally or on GitHub, dedicated to my own use, and I don’t feel like uploading them to PyPI. However, it soon becomes a pain when I need to install one of them to my virtual environment, since they all scatter about my disk, and I have to cd to the corresponding project directory and do pip install .. It would be preferable to stay in my current repository, and do pip install .... If the package is already hosted on GitHub, like alfred_fzf_helper, I may do pip install git+https://github.com/kkew3/alfred_fzf_helper.git directly. This is not good enough, since I still need to memorize the URL, and it’s not convenient, if not impossible, to specify the version requirements.

Luckily, hosting a private Python package repository is possible, and freely available with Jekyll and GitHub Pages. Following this guide, after making a directory pip under the root of my site, I put my Python source distribution tarballs into it. After some googling, I find that Jekyll does not support autoindexing out-of-the-box. If I push the tarballs onto GitHub, pip won’t be able to find the source distributions.

I will exploit the --find-links option of pip install instead. What we need, then, is simply an HTML page that lists all the URLs to the tarballs hosted. With simple Liquid, I loop over all static files under pip directory and list them in an unordered list:

layout: default

<h1>Index of {{ page.path }}</h1>
  {% assign pip_packages = site.static_files | where: "pip_package", true %}
  {% for item in pip_packages %}
    <li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ item.path }}">{{ item.path }}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}

where pip_package is defined in _config.yml like this (see here for more details):

  - scope:
      path: "pip"
      pip_package: true

Finally, I insert the following lines to ~/.config/pip/pip.conf:

find-links = https://kkew3.github.io/pip

To check if it works, create a virtual environment (omitted below) and install one of the hosted package:

pip install "alfred-fzf-helper>=0.2"

It works!