A simple numerical method to compute matrix inversion
math/linear algebra
I need to do matrix inversion in C recently; so I did some research on how to implement it. While the requirement later proves unnecessary, I want to jot down my efforts on this subject for future reference.
(Pan & Schreiber, 1992) proposed CUINV algorithm based on Newton’s iteration. It’s fast and simple to implement. Here’s my verbatim reimplementation in Python, which is simple(?) (see TODO in comment) to translate to C.
import numpy as np
def cuinv(A, maxiter, tol):
n = A.shape[0]
I = np.eye(n)
s = np.linalg.svd(A, compute_uv=False) # TODO: how to implement this?
a0 = 2 / (np.min(s)**2 + np.max(s)**2)
X = a0 * A.T
X_prev = np.copy(X)
T = X @ A
T2 = None
t2_valid = False
diff = tol + 1 # so that it runs at least one iteration
for _ in range(maxiter):
if diff < tol:
X = (2 * I - T) @ X
if t2_valid:
T = 2 * T - T2
T = X @ A
t2_valid = False
if np.trace(T) < n - 0.5:
T2 = T @ T
delta = np.linalg.norm(T - T2, ord='fro')
if delta >= 0.25:
t2_valid = True
rho = 0.5 - np.sqrt(0.25 - delta)
X = 1 / rho * (T2 - (2 + rho) * T + (1 + 2 * rho) * I) @ X
T = X @ A
diff = np.linalg.norm(X - X_prev, ord='fro')
X_prev = X
return X