Compute intercept in primal formulation

The primal SVM problem is:

\[\min_{\boldsymbol w,b,\boldsymbol\xi} \frac{1}{2}\boldsymbol w^\top\boldsymbol w+C\sum_{i=1}^m\xi_i;\quad\text{s.t. }\ y_i f(\boldsymbol x_i) \ge 1-\xi_i,\ \xi_i \ge 0 \,,\tag{1}\]

where the decision function $f(\boldsymbol x) \equiv \boldsymbol w^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x) + b$. The Lagrangian is:

\[L(\boldsymbol w,b,\boldsymbol\xi,\boldsymbol\alpha,\boldsymbol\mu) = \frac{1}{2}\boldsymbol w^\top\boldsymbol w + C\sum_{i=1}^m\xi_i + \sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i\big(1-\xi_i-y_i f(\boldsymbol x_i)\big) - \sum_{i=1}^m\mu_i\xi_i\,,\]

where $\alpha_i \ge 0$, $\mu_i \ge 0$. The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions are:

\[\begin{cases} \boldsymbol w=\sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i y_i \phi(\boldsymbol x_i) &\text{(stationarity)}\\ 0=\sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i y_i &\text{(stationarity)}\\ C=\alpha_i+\mu_i &\text{(stationarity)}\\ 0=\alpha_i(y_i f(\boldsymbol x_i)-1+\xi_i) &\text{(complementary)}\\ 0=\mu_i\xi_i &\text{(complementary)}\\ y_i f(\boldsymbol x_i)-1+\xi_i \ge 0 &\text{(primal feasibility)}\\ \xi_i \ge 0 &\text{(primal feasibility)}\\ \alpha_i \ge 0 &\text{(dual feasibility)}\\ \mu_i \ge 0 &\text{(dual feasibility)}\\ \end{cases}\,.\]

Thus, we have

\[\begin{cases} y_i f(\boldsymbol x_i) \ge 1 &(\alpha_i=0)\\ y_i f(\boldsymbol x_i) \le 1 &(\alpha_i=C)\\ y_i f(\boldsymbol x_i) = 1 &(\text{otherwise})\\ \end{cases}\,.\tag{2}\]

When $S=\{j \mid 0 < \alpha_j < C\} \neq \varnothing$, for each such $j$,

\[\begin{aligned} y_j (\boldsymbol w^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j)+b) &= 1\\ b &= y_j - \boldsymbol w^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j)\,;\\ \end{aligned}\]

The second equality holds since $y_j = \pm 1$. For numerical stability, we take the mean of all $b$’s as the final value of the intercept:

\[b = \frac{1}{\\|S\\|}\sum_{j \in S} (y_j-\boldsymbol w^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j))\,.\]

When $S=\varnothing$, taking the first two cases of Equation $(2)$, it follows that

\[\begin{cases} f(\boldsymbol x_i) \ge 1 &(\alpha_i=0,y_i=1)\\ f(\boldsymbol x_i) \le -1 &(\alpha_i=0,y_i=-1)\\ f(\boldsymbol x_i) \le 1 &(\alpha_i=C,y_i=1)\\ f(\boldsymbol x_i) \ge -1 &(\alpha_i=C,y_i=-1)\\ \end{cases}\,.\]

Equivalently, we have

\[\max_{j \in T_1}\{y_j - \boldsymbol w^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j)\} \le b \le \min_{j \in T_2}\{y_j - \boldsymbol w^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j)\}\,,\]


\[\begin{cases} T_1 = \{j \mid \alpha_j=0,y_j=1\text{ or }\alpha_j=C,y_j=-1\}\\ T_2 = \{j \mid \alpha_j=0,y_j=-1\text{ or }\alpha_j=C,y_j=1\}\\ \end{cases}\,,\]

The intercept is taken as the mean of the lower and upper bounds.

To compute $\boldsymbol w^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x)$ in above equations, simply plug in $\boldsymbol w=\sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i y_i \phi(\boldsymbol x_i)$ and compute the $\phi(\boldsymbol x_i)^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x)$ with the underlying kernel function $\kappa(\boldsymbol x_i,\boldsymbol x)$.

Compute the intercept in dual formulation

Reference: Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin. Libsvm: a library for support vector machines. ACM transactions on intelligent systems and technology (TIST), 2(3):1–27, 2011.

The dual SVM problem is:

\[\min_{\boldsymbol\alpha}\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^m\alpha_i\alpha_j y_i y_j \phi(\boldsymbol x_i)^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j)-\sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i\,;\quad\text{s.t. }\sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i y_i=0,\ 0 \le \alpha_i \le C\,.\tag{3}\]

The Lagrangian is:

\[\hat L(\boldsymbol\alpha,\beta,\boldsymbol\lambda,\boldsymbol\nu) = \frac{1}{2}\boldsymbol\alpha^\top\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha - \boldsymbol\alpha^\top\mathbf 1+\beta\boldsymbol\alpha^\top\boldsymbol y-\boldsymbol\alpha^\top\boldsymbol\lambda+(\boldsymbol\alpha-C\mathbf 1)^\top\boldsymbol\nu\,,\tag{4}\]

where $\lambda_i \ge 0$, $\nu_i \ge 0$, $\mathbf 1$ is an all-$1$ vector, $\mathbf Q$ is an $m \times m$ matrix such that $Q_{ij} = y_i\phi(\boldsymbol x_i)^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j)y_j$, and $\beta$ is actually the intercept. We’ll assume it for now, and reveal why it is in the end. The KKT conditions are:

\[\begin{cases} \mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha=1-\beta\boldsymbol y+\boldsymbol\lambda-\boldsymbol\nu &\text{(stationarity)}\\ \lambda_i\alpha_i = 0 &\text{(complementary)}\\ \nu_i(C-\alpha_i) = 0 &\text{(complementary)}\\ \boldsymbol\alpha^\top\boldsymbol y = 0 &\text{(primal feasibility)}\\ 0 \le \alpha_i \le C &\text{(primal feasibility)}\\ \lambda_i \ge 0 &\text{(dual feasibility)}\\ \nu_i \ge 0 &\text{(dual feasibility)}\\ \end{cases}\,.\tag{5}\]

Thus, we have

\[\begin{cases} (\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_i \ge 1 - \beta y_i &(\alpha_i=0)\\ (\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_i \le 1 - \beta y_i &(\alpha_i=C)\\ (\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_i = 1 - \beta y_i &(\text{otherwise})\\ \end{cases}\,.\tag{6}\]

where $(\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_i$ is the $i$th element of the vector $\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha$. When $S=\{j \mid 0 < \alpha_j < C\} \neq \varnothing$, for each such $j$,

\[\beta = y_j(1 - (\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_j)\,;\]

which holds since $y_j = \pm 1$. For numerical stability, we take the mean of all $\beta$’s as the final value of the intercept:

\[\beta = \frac{1}{\\|S\\|}\sum_{j \in S} y_j (1 - (\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_j)\,.\]

When $S=\varnothing$, taking the first two cases of Equation $(6)$, it follows that

\[\begin{cases} \beta \ge 1-(\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_i &(\alpha_i=0,y_i=1)\\ \beta \le -(1-(\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_i) &(\alpha_i=0,y_i=-1)\\ \beta \le 1-(\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_i &(\alpha_i=C,y_i=1)\\ \beta \ge -(1-(\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_i) &(\alpha_i=C,y_i=-1)\\ \end{cases}\,.\]

Equivalently, we have

\[\max_{j \in T_1}\{y_j(1-(\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_j)\} \le \beta \le \min_{j \in T_2}\{y_j(1-(\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_j)\}\,,\]


\[\begin{cases} T_1 = \{j \mid \alpha_j=0,y_j=1\text{ or }\alpha_j=C,y_j=-1\}\\ T_2 = \{j \mid \alpha_j=0,y_j=-1\text{ or }\alpha_j=C,y_j=1\}\\ \end{cases}\,,\]

The intercept is taken as the mean of the lower and upper bounds.

$\beta$ is the intercept

To show that $\beta$ is in fact the intercept in primal problem, we go further from Equation $(4)$, plugging in the stationarity conditions of Equation $(5)$, and it follows that

\[\hat L(\boldsymbol\alpha,\beta,\boldsymbol\lambda,\boldsymbol\nu) = -\frac{1}{2}\boldsymbol\alpha^\top\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha-C\mathbf 1^\top\boldsymbol\nu\,,\]


\[\boldsymbol\alpha=\mathbf Q^{-1}(1-\beta\boldsymbol y+\boldsymbol\lambda-\boldsymbol\nu)\,.\]

assuming the inverse of $\mathbf Q$ exists. Due to the structure of $\mathbf Q$, there exists a unique matrix $\mathbf Q^\frac{1}{2}$:

\[Q^\frac{1}{2} = \begin{pmatrix} y_1\phi(\boldsymbol x_1) & \dots & y_m\phi(\boldsymbol x_m)\\ \end{pmatrix}\]

such that $\mathbf Q=(\mathbf Q^\frac{1}{2})^\top\mathbf Q^\frac{1}{2}$. Let $\boldsymbol w \triangleq \mathbf Q^{-\frac{1}{2}}(1-\beta\boldsymbol y+\boldsymbol\lambda-\boldsymbol\nu)=\mathbf Q^\frac{1}{2}\boldsymbol\alpha$. The stationarity condition of Equation $(5)$ can be rewritten as:

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha &= 1-\beta\boldsymbol y+\boldsymbol\lambda-\boldsymbol\nu\\ (\mathbf Q^\frac{1}{2})^\top\boldsymbol w &= 1-\beta\boldsymbol y+\boldsymbol\lambda-\boldsymbol\nu\\ y_i\phi(\boldsymbol x_i)^\top\boldsymbol w+\beta y_i &\ge 1-\nu_i\quad\forall 1 \le i \le m\\ y_i(\phi(\boldsymbol x_i)^\top\boldsymbol w+\beta) &\ge 1-\nu_i\\ \end{aligned}\]

Therefore, we have the dual of the dual problem as:

\[\max_{\boldsymbol w,\beta,\boldsymbol\nu}-\frac{1}{2}\boldsymbol w^\top\boldsymbol w-C\mathbf 1^\top\boldsymbol\nu\,;\quad\text{s.t. }y_i(\phi(\boldsymbol x_i)^\top\boldsymbol w+\beta) \ge 1-\nu_i,\ \nu_i \ge 0\,.\]

Clearly, $\beta$ is the intercept, and $\nu_i$ is the slack variable $\xi_i$ bounded to each sample in the dataset.

Show that the two apporaches are equivalent

Recall that in primal and dual formulations,

\[\begin{aligned} b &= y_j - \sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i y_i \phi(\boldsymbol x_i)^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j) &\text{(primal formulation)}\\ b &= y_j (1-(\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha)_j) &\text{(dual formulation)}\\ \end{aligned}\]

If we plug in the definitions of $\boldsymbol w$ and $\mathbf Q$, it follows that

\[\begin{aligned} b &= y_j - \sum_{i=1}^m \alpha_i y_i \phi(\boldsymbol x_i)^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j)\\ b &= y_j (1 - y_j\sum_{i=1}^m \alpha_i y_i \phi(\boldsymbol x_i)^\top\phi(\boldsymbol x_j))\\ \end{aligned}\]

But $y_j^2=1$. Therefore, it can be easily shown that the two equations are the same.

Verify the conclusion by experiment

We will need numpy and scikit-learn to perform the experiment.

Get to know SVC class in scikit-learn here. In summary, given a classifier clf = SVC(...).fit(X, y),

  • clf.dual_coef_ holds the product $y_i \alpha_i$ for each $\alpha_i > 0$;
  • clf.support_vector_ holds the support vectors of shape (n_SV, n_feature) where n_SV is the number of support vectors;
  • clf.intercept_ holds the intercept term.

In addition,

  • clf.coef_ holds the $\boldsymbol w$ in primal problem. We will use it for convenience below (linear kernel).


import numpy as np
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris

X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
# Restrict the classification problem to two-class;
# otherwise, the problem will become unnecessarily complex.
i = (y == 0) | (y == 2)
X, y = X[i], y[i]
# Make y take values {0, 1} rather than {0, 2}.
y //= 2

clf = SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=123), y)
# The y for support vectors.
# The `*2-1` operation is used to make it pick the values {1, -1}
# rather than {1, 0}.
y_supp = y[clf.support_] * 2 - 1
# The filter that removes upper bounded alpha's.
S = np.ravel(np.abs(clf.dual_coef_)) < 1

# Verify that the `clf.coef_` is indeed computed from `clf.dual_coef_`.
# We'll use `clf.coef_` for convenience below.
assert np.allclose(
    np.sum(np.ravel(clf.dual_coef_) * clf.support_vectors_.T, axis=1))
# The intercept estimations in primal formulation. Only support vectors are
# required, since otherwise the dual coefficients will be zero and won't count
# any.
b_estimates_primal = y_supp[S] -[S], np.ravel(clf.coef_))
### Verify that the mean of the estimations is indeed the intercept. ###
assert np.allclose(np.mean(b_estimates_primal), clf.intercept_)

# The kernel matrix.
K =, clf.support_vectors_.T)
# The Q matrix times alpha. Notice that when computing Q, only support vectors
# are required for the same reason as above.
Q_alpha = np.sum(np.ravel(clf.dual_coef_)[:, np.newaxis] * K, axis=0) * y_supp
# The intercept estimations in dual formulation.
b_estimates_dual = y_supp[S] * (1 - Q_alpha[S])
### Verify that the mean of the estimations is indeed the intercept. ###
assert np.allclose(clf.intercept_, np.mean(b_estimates_dual))

The following has been mentioned in the comment above, but I feel it necessary to redeclare them formally here: Recall that $\boldsymbol w = \sum_{i=1}^m\alpha_i y_i \phi(\boldsymbol x_i)$, and all $m$ $\alpha$’s are involved when computing $\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha$. In fact, only those $i$ such that $\alpha_i > 0$ (corresponding to the support vectors) are necessary. That’s why we are able to find $\boldsymbol w$ and $\mathbf Q\boldsymbol\alpha$ even if scikit-learn stores only data related to support vectors.

Caveat: I find it quite hard to construct an example where there’s no free $\alpha$’s (i.e. those $\alpha_i$ such that $0 < \alpha_i < C$) at all. So strictly speaking, such edge case is not verified empirically in this post.